
How You Can Boost Your Credit Score by Becoming an Authorized User

How You Can Boost Your Credit Score by Becoming an Authorized User Is your credit score lower than you’d like it to be? Or do you have a limited credit history? If so, you aren’t alone. Whether you are young and have not built credit yet or you just have not had an opportunity to prove your creditworthiness yet, thousands … Read More

How You Can Boost Your Credit Score by Becoming an Authorized User


9 Ways to Generate Affordable Mortgage Leads

As a mortgage lender, you’re always on the lookout for new leads and new ways to cultivate a steady stream of new opportunities that enables you to sustain and grow your business. Due to the competitive nature of the mortgage industry, you need to have strategies in place to capture the attention of aspiring homeowners and convince them that you’re … Read More

9 Ways to Generate Affordable Mortgage Leads


mortgage lenders

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors are not necessarily affiliated with this website and their statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.   Mortgage lenders review loan applicants from all walks of life, including those previously convicted of a crime. Deciding whether or not to grant them the loan can be … Read More

Why should mortgage lenders consider an applicant’s criminal record before approving a loan?


How to Avoid Fraudulent Borrowers with Verification of Employment

As a mortgage lender, you are probably no stranger to fraud. In fact, nearly 1 in 120 mortgage applications contain fraud1. Fraud can come in many different forms, but with the increasing digitalization of the loan application process, mortgage lenders need to be especially watchful of potential fake employers and pay stub scams. That’s why Verification of Employment (VOE) for … Read More

How to Avoid Fraudulent Borrowers with Verification of Employment


What are some emerging trends in the mortgage lending industry

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors are not necessarily affiliated with this website and their statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.   The mortgage industry has seen drastic changes over the past couple of years during the pandemic. Many of the changes adopted out of necessity have proven to be … Read More

What are some emerging trends in the mortgage lending industry?


Lending to the Next Generation of Homebuyers

The Millenials, and the not far behind Generation Z, engage with media differently than past generations. What does that mean for lenders that hope to reach this younger demographic? You may have to adjust your advertising techniques. According to Enact’s 2020 Statistical report, first-time homebuyers made up 56% percent of the mortgages in 2020 in the United States.1 Additonally, young … Read More

Lending to the Next Generation of Homebuyers: 5 Strong Strategies