
Getting calls from debt collectors can be overwhelming and stressful. Additionally, having a collection account listed on your credit report can bring down your credit score considerably. You may be wondering just how much a collection can impact your credit score. In this article, we’ll discuss the credit consequences of having an unpaid debt go to collections. We’ll also review … Read More

How Much Does a Collection Impact Your Credit Score?


Talk Data to Me Podcast

Talk Data to Me: NextGen Homebuyer with Kristin Messerli of  Homebuying has always been one of the most complex and important decisions an individual can make. But, with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, lacking financial education, and the challenges of the current housing market, the next generation of homebuyers is finding it more challenging than ever before to … Read More

Talk Data to Me: NextGen Homebuyers with Kristin Messerli of [Episode 10]


Social media has transformed the way we connect with one another and conduct business. As of 2022, the average person spends two hours and 27 minutes on social media each day.[1] With so many people engaging actively on social media, it’s crucial that mortgage lenders learn how to operate in this space effectively. Having a positive social media presence can … Read More

How to Optimize Your Mortgage Lending Social Media & Lead Generation Strategy


Talk Data to Me Podcast

For consumers (borrowers) a credit freeze is one way to protect against identity theft by restricting access to your credit report. For example, let’s say a cybercriminal steals your identity (e.g. social security number or other personal information) to try to apply for a loan in your name. With a credit freeze, the lender/creditor would reject the application because they … Read More

Talk Data to Me: Credit Freezes, Identity Theft, & More. [Episode 9]


As a mortgage lender, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your borrowers can afford to pay back their loans on time. Part of this process involves verifying their income and employment. Unfortunately, you can’t simply rely on applicants’ claims that they earn an adequate income at their current job. You need to corroborate their claims to ensure they truly meet … Read More

Automating Your VOE Strategy


While mortgage fraud has serious consequences, it still takes place on a daily basis. Applicants and mortgage professionals alike have strong incentives to perpetrate fraud. Mortgage fraud has always been a concern for lenders, but it’s been on the rise in recent years. This is largely due to the increase in digital mortgage activity that’s taken place in the wake … Read More

Mortgage Fraud Trends & Why It’s So Hard to Detect